Fall 2015
Tue 09/01
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
To be announced!
Tue 09/08
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Scalar-Vector Boostrap
Dr. Daniel Robbins, Texas A&M University (Abstract)
Tue 09/15
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Bootstrapping 3d Fermions
Dr. David Simmons-Duffin, Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton (Abstract)
Tue 09/22
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Anomalies, Conformal Manifolds, and Spheres
Dr. Nathan Seiberg, IAS Princeton (Abstract)
Tue 09/29
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Knots and links of Electrodynamics
Dr. Cobi Sonnenschein, Tel Aviv University (Abstract)
Wed 09/30
4:00 pm
RLM 4.102
4:00 pm
RLM 4.102
Physics Colloquium
Stringy (holographic) hadrons
Dr. Cobi Sonnenschein, Tel Aviv University (Abstract)
Tue 10/06
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Some Aspects of Model-Building in Randall-Sundrum Theory
Wed 10/07
4:15 pm
RLM 4.102
4:15 pm
RLM 4.102
Physics Colloquium
The Top Quark: Yes, it is heavy, but is it essential?
Tue 10/13
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Accidental symmetries and the conformal bootstrap
Dr. Silviu Pufu, Princeton University (Abstract)
Tue 10/20
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Looking for a bulk point
Dr. Sasha Zhiboedov, Harvard University (Abstract)
Tue 10/27
10:00 am
RLM 9.222
10:00 am
RLM 9.222
Theory Group Qualifier
Improving Mass Measurements for Cascade Decays in a Realistic Collider Environment
Mr. Yuan-Pao Yang, UT-Austin (Abstract)
Tue 10/27
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
BPS quivers and the classification of 4D N=2 SCFTs
Dr. Michele Del Zotto, Harvard University (Abstract)
Tue 11/10
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Particle Physics Probes of Cosmic Baryon Origin and Dark Matter
Mon 11/16
2:00 pm
2:00 pm
The main outreach event of our department, including lab tours, presentations by faculty members of their research, an undergraduate poster competition and the traditional watermelon drop
Tue 11/17
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Evidence for a novel population of gamma-ray point sources in the Inner Galaxy
Dr. Ben Safdi, MIT Department of Physics (Abstract)
Tue 11/17
3:30 pm
RLM 15.216B
3:30 pm
RLM 15.216B
Special Colloquium
New Insights on Galaxy Formation from Comparisons of Simulated and Observed Galaxies
Dr. Joel Primack, UC Santa Cruz (Abstract)
Mon 11/23
3:00 pm
RLM 9.222
3:00 pm
RLM 9.222
Theory Group Qualifier
Shock Waves and de Sitter Entropy
Mr. Stefan Eccles, UT-Austin (Abstract)
Tue 11/24
2:00 pm
RLM 9.222
2:00 pm
RLM 9.222
Theory Group Seminar
Thanksgiving Week
There is no seminar scheduled for the week of Thanksgiving.
Mon 11/30
3:00 pm
RLM 9.222
3:00 pm
RLM 9.222
Theory Group Qualifier
The First Law of Entanglement Entropy with a Chemical Potential in Holographic CFTs
Mr. Josiah Couch, UT-Austin (Abstract)
Tue 12/01
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Searching for new Physics with the Higgs
Theory Group Seminars and Special Talks All talks
are Tuesdays at 2:00 PM in RLM 9.222 unless otherwise noted.
Relativity Seminars All talks are Thursdays at 3:30
PM in RLM 9.222 unless otherwise noted.
Geometry and String Theory Seminars All meetings
are Wednesdays at 12:00 PM in RLM 8.136 unless otherwise noted.
Physics Colloquia All talks are Wednesdays at 4:00
PM in RLM 4.102 unless otherwise noted.
Brown Bag Meetings All meetings are Thursdays from
12:30 to 1:30 PM in RLM 9.222 unless otherwise noted. These meetings
will typically consist of a short talk on current research or other
matters of interest to the group, followed by an open discussion. The
emphasis is on the open discussion, so meeting agendas might not be
regularly announced.
Texas Cosmology Center Seminars All meetings will
be announced