Spring 2009
Thu 01/22
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Dark Matter and Dark Radiation
Tue 01/27
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
S-duality and Chern-Simons Theory
Thu 01/29
4:15 pm
RLM 4.102
4:15 pm
RLM 4.102
Physics Colloquium
Acceleration in our past and in our present
Mon 02/02
3:30 pm
RLM 15.216B
3:30 pm
RLM 15.216B
Texas Cosmology Center Seminar
Weak Lensing and Large Scale Structure
Tue 02/03
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
The Cosmological Observables When Worlds Collide
Fri 02/06
10:45 pm
RLM 15.216A
10:45 pm
RLM 15.216A
Texas Cosmology Centeer Seminar
Constraints on the non-linear coupling parameter fNL with CMB data
Andres Curto, Instituto de Fisica Cantabria, Spain (Inspire)
Tue 02/10
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Electric-Magnetic Duality for 't Hooft Loop
Tue 02/17
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
SU(5) GUT Models from Compact Type IIB Orientifolds
Mon 02/23
3:30 pm
RLM 15.216B
3:30 pm
RLM 15.216B
Texas Cosmology Center Seminar
Primordial Non-Gaussianity from Preheating
Andrei Frolov, Simon Fraser University (Inspire)
Tue 02/24
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Heterotic Swamplands?
Eric Sharpe, Virginia Tech (Inspire)
Wed 02/25
4:15 pm
RLM 4.102
4:15 pm
RLM 4.102
Physics Colloquium
From Inflation to Observation
Tue 03/03
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
What Is The Simplest Quantum Field Theory?
Tue 03/10
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
String Junctions, Abelian Fibrations, and Flux/Geometry Duality
Tue 03/17
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Spring Break
There is no seminar scheduled during Spring Break
Tue 03/24
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Flavor Hierarchy From F-theory GUTs
Wed 03/25
4:15 pm
RLM 4.102
4:15 pm
RLM 4.102
Physics Colloquium
Cosmology as Science?
Tue 03/31
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Chern-Simons-Matter Theory and Mirror Symmetry
Thu 04/02
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Reevaluating the WIMP Miracle
Tue 04/07
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Methods for Computing Yang-Mills Amplitudes
Diana Vaman, University of Virginia (Inspire)
Tue 04/14
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Phenomenology of Higgsino NLSPs
Mon 04/20
1:45 pm
RLM 7.104
1:45 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Local string models and the LARGE volume scenario
Tue 04/21
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Sommerfeld-Enhancing the Dark Matter Annihilation
Fri 04/24
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Dark Stars
Katherine Freese, University of Michigan (Inspire)
Tue 04/28
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Superstring Cosmology: New Physics in the Sky
Mon 05/04
2:00 pm
RLM 7.116
2:00 pm
RLM 7.116
Theory Group Qualifier
Non-gaussian primordial fluctuations due to a Pre-inflationary Anisotropic Phase
Anindya Dey, UT Austin
Tue 05/05
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Metastable supersymmetry breaking and multirace deformations of SQCD
Wed 05/06
4:15 pm
RLM 4.102
4:15 pm
RLM 4.102
Physics Colloquium
The Strange Friendship of Pauli and Jung: When Physics Met Psychology
Summer 2009
Tue 05/19
2:00 pm
RLM 7.114
2:00 pm
RLM 7.114
Theory Group Seminar
(Personal) Summary of the Solvay Workshop on 'Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics'
Eiichiro Komatsu, UT Austin Astronomy
Tue 05/26
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Dark Matter Signals From Cascade Annihilations
Theory Group Seminars and Special Talks All talks
are Tuesdays at 2:00 PM in RLM 9.222 unless otherwise noted.
Relativity Seminars All talks are Thursdays at 3:30
PM in RLM 9.222 unless otherwise noted.
Geometry and String Theory Seminars All meetings
are Wednesdays at 12:00 PM in RLM 8.136 unless otherwise noted.
Physics Colloquia All talks are Wednesdays at 4:00
PM in RLM 4.102 unless otherwise noted.
Brown Bag Meetings All meetings are Thursdays from
12:30 to 1:30 PM in RLM 9.222 unless otherwise noted. These meetings
will typically consist of a short talk on current research or other
matters of interest to the group, followed by an open discussion. The
emphasis is on the open discussion, so meeting agendas might not be
regularly announced.
Texas Cosmology Center Seminars All meetings will
be announced