Theory Group Seminar, 10 March 2009
Michael Schulz, Bryn Mawr College
String Junctions, Abelian Fibrations, and Flux/Geometry Duality
The simplest class of flux compactifications, type IIB toroidal orientifolds with N=2 flux, is dual to a class of purely geometric IIA Calabi-Yau compactifications with no flux. Since the duality relates warped and nonwarped compactifications, it has the potential to shed light on warped Kaluza-Klein reduction. The duality also maps D3 instantons to worldsheet instantons, so it furnishes a check on our understanding of instanton calculus. As a step toward these goals, I will discuss aspects of the duality recently explored in collaboration with Donagi and Gao. The first is an analog of F-theory for T4 fibrations, which is useful for encoding the dual CY geometry. The second is an analog of D(imensional) duality that relates the CYs to auxiliary surfaces that are simpler to study. As a byproduct, we learn how to construct new Calabi-Yau manifolds with nontrivial fundamental group, which should be useful for heterotic model building.