[The University of Texas at Austin: What starts here changes the world]
Theory Group
Theory Group Seminar, 05 May 2009

Dr. Kuver Sinha, Texas A&M University

Metastable supersymmetry breaking and multitrace deformations of SQCD


I will explore metastable vacua in supersymmetric QCD in the presence of single and multitrace deformations of the superpotential, with the aim of obtaining an acceptable phenomenology. The metastable vacua appear at one loop, have a broken R-symmetry, and a magnetic gauge group that is completely Higgsed. With only a single trace deformation, the adjoint fermions from the meson superfield are approximately massless at one loop, even though they are massive at tree level and R-symmetry is broken. Consequently, if charged under the standard model, they are unacceptably light. A multitrace quadratic deformation generates fermion masses proportional to the deformation parameter. Phenomenologically viable models of direct gauge mediation can then be obtained, and some of their features will be discussed.

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