[The University of Texas at Austin: What starts here changes the world]
Theory Group
Fall 2009

Tue 09/22
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
A Framework for Baryon Asymmetry, Moduli Problem and Dark Matter within String Theory
Piyush Kumar, UC Berkeley

Tue 09/29
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Probing Strongly Coupled Gauge Theories with AdS/CFT: The Violation of the Shear Viscosity to Entropy Bound
Sera Cremonini, Cambridge University and Texas A&M

Tue 10/06
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Landscapes, eternal inflation, and extra dimensions
Matthew Johnson, CalTech (Abstract)

Tue 10/13
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Inverted Sparticle Hierarchies from Natural Particle Hierarchies
Micha Berkooz, Weizmann Institute

Tue 10/20
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
The measure of a trans-dimensional landscape
Delia Schwarz-Perlov, Tufts University (Abstract)

Thu 10/22
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
A Bound on the Superpotential

Tue 10/27
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Floating black holes in warped higher-dimensional bulk
Takahiro Tanaka, Kyoto University (Abstract)

Tue 11/03
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
A GeV dark sector and its experimental signals
Liantao Wang, Princeton University

Tue 11/10
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Quantum oscillations and black hole ringing
Sean Hartnoll, Harvard

Thu 11/12
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
A Domino Theory of Flavor
Peter Graham, Stanford University

Tue 11/17
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
D-brane inflation from AdS/CFT

Tue 11/24
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Thanksgiving Week
There is no seminar during the week of Thanksgiving.

Tue 12/01
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Warped Compactifications and Holographic Gauge Mediation

Theory Group Seminars and Special Talks All talks are Tuesdays at 2:00 PM in RLM 9.222 unless otherwise noted.
Relativity Seminars All talks are Thursdays at 3:30 PM in RLM 9.222 unless otherwise noted.
Geometry and String Theory Seminars All meetings are Wednesdays at 12:00 PM in RLM 8.136 unless otherwise noted.
Physics Colloquia All talks are Wednesdays at 4:00 PM in RLM 4.102 unless otherwise noted.
Brown Bag Meetings All meetings are Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30 PM in RLM 9.222 unless otherwise noted. These meetings will typically consist of a short talk on current research or other matters of interest to the group, followed by an open discussion. The emphasis is on the open discussion, so meeting agendas might not be regularly announced.
Texas Cosmology Center Seminars All meetings will be announced

This page was last updated on 31 May 2017
Texas Cosmology Center   ♦   Physics Department   ♦   University of Texas at Austin