Fall 2012
Tue 09/04
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Black Branes and Field Theory at Finite Density
Dr. Shamit Kachru, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (Abstract)
Tue 09/11
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Instantons on R3 x S1 and a semi-classical realization of IR renormalons
Dr. Philip Argyres, University of Cincinnati (Abstract)
Tue 09/18
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Quantum quenches in strongly coupled systems
Dr. Alex Buchel, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Ontario (Abstract)
Tue 09/25
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Conformal Comments
Dr. Steven Weinberg, The University of Texas at Austin
Tue 10/02
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Possibilities for the Fermi-LAT Gamma Ray Lines
Dr. Matt Reece, Harvard University (Abstract)
Tue 10/09
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Gravity in Twistor Space
Tue 10/16
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Disordered AdS/CFT, Localization and Random Matrix Theory
Dr. Omid Saremi, University of California, Berkeley
Tue 10/23
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Cosmological constraints on axion Inflation
Dr. Pieter D. Meerburg, Princeton University (Abstract)
Tue 11/13
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
From Effective Strings to the Simplest Theory of Quantum Gravity and Back
Dr. Raphael Flauger, Institute from Advanced Study, Princeton and New York University (Abstract)
Tue 11/20
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
The cosmological constant problem in scalar gravity
Tue 11/27
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Traces of Dark Matter Annihilation in the Cosmic Microwave Background
Dr. Cora Dvorkin, Institute for Advvanced Study, Princeton
Tue 12/04
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Carving Out the Space of Conformal Field Theories
Dr. David Poland, Yale University
Theory Group Seminars and Special Talks All talks
are Tuesdays at 2:00 PM in RLM 9.222 unless otherwise noted.
Relativity Seminars All talks are Thursdays at 3:30
PM in RLM 9.222 unless otherwise noted.
Geometry and String Theory Seminars All meetings
are Wednesdays at 12:00 PM in RLM 8.136 unless otherwise noted.
Physics Colloquia All talks are Wednesdays at 4:00
PM in RLM 4.102 unless otherwise noted.
Brown Bag Meetings All meetings are Thursdays from
12:30 to 1:30 PM in RLM 9.222 unless otherwise noted. These meetings
will typically consist of a short talk on current research or other
matters of interest to the group, followed by an open discussion. The
emphasis is on the open discussion, so meeting agendas might not be
regularly announced.
Texas Cosmology Center Seminars All meetings will
be announced