[The University of Texas at Austin: What starts here changes the world]
Theory Group
Fall 2011

Tue 09/06
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Higher Derivative Corrections to D-brane Actions from T-duality and Disc Amplitudes
Dr. Daniel Robbins, Texas A&M (Abstract)

Thu 09/08
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Informal Talk
Note: Please see Brown Bag listings for a 2PM informal talk today.

Tue 09/13
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Informal Talk
Note: Please see Brown Bag listings for a 2PM informal talk today.

Thu 09/15
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Informal Talk
Note: Please see Brown Bag listings for a 2PM informal talk today.

Tue 09/20
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Inflation in supergravity and string theory
Prof. Andrei Linde, Stanford University (Abstract)

Tue 10/04
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
When Worlds Collide/Polarize!

Tue 10/11
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Future infinity, solipsism and de Sitter holography
Dr. Dionysios Anninos, Stanford University (Abstract)

Tue 10/18
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Flavor symmetries and processes with tops
Prof. Jure Zupan, University of Cincinnati (Abstract)

Tue 10/25
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Quantum information and entanglement in holographic theories
Dr. Matthew Headrick, Brandeis University (Abstract)

Tue 11/01
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Strings on non-kahler manifolds
Dr. Allan Adams, MIT (Inspire)

Tue 11/08
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
A Natural Language for AdS/CFT Correlators and the Holographic S-Matrix

Tue 11/22
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Path-Integral Jets
Dr. David Krohn, Harvard University (Abstract)

Tue 11/29
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
The Wasteland of Random Supergravities
Dr. Timm Wrase, Cornell University (Abstract) (Inspire)

Fri 12/02
2:00 pm
RLM 5.104
Special Colloquium
Cosmic Information: IT from BIT, from BITs in IT

Tue 12/06
2:00 pm
RLM 7.104
Theory Group Seminar
Azimuthal Decay Correlations of Top Quarks at the LHC
Dr. Brock Tweedie, Boston University (Abstract)

Tue 12/13
2:00 pm
RLM 9.202
Informal Seminar
Is Quantum Theory exact? Collapse models and possible violations of quantum linearity towards the macroscopic scale
Dr. Angelo Bassi, University of Trieste (Abstract)

Theory Group Seminars and Special Talks All talks are Tuesdays at 2:00 PM in RLM 9.222 unless otherwise noted.
Relativity Seminars All talks are Thursdays at 3:30 PM in RLM 9.222 unless otherwise noted.
Geometry and String Theory Seminars All meetings are Wednesdays at 12:00 PM in RLM 8.136 unless otherwise noted.
Physics Colloquia All talks are Wednesdays at 4:00 PM in RLM 4.102 unless otherwise noted.
Brown Bag Meetings All meetings are Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30 PM in RLM 9.222 unless otherwise noted. These meetings will typically consist of a short talk on current research or other matters of interest to the group, followed by an open discussion. The emphasis is on the open discussion, so meeting agendas might not be regularly announced.
Texas Cosmology Center Seminars All meetings will be announced

This page was last updated on 31 May 2017
Texas Cosmology Center   ♦   Physics Department   ♦   University of Texas at Austin