[The University of Texas at Austin: What starts here changes the world]
Theory Group
Theory Group Seminar , 07 July 2016

Dr. Tom Banks, Rutgers University

KODOSKY LECTURE SERIES: HST Models of Scattering in Minkowski Space


I define an infinite number of finite models, which describe gravitational scattering theory in Minkowski space time. All models are unitary and local, and contain amplitudes that resemble Feynman diagrams for particle (jet) scattering, and others which describe the creation of meta-stable excitations with all of the parametric properties of black holes (mass/entropy/temperature relation, scrambling time, scaling of impact parameter at which black hole formation occurs, with the center of mass entropy). All models have a static long distance force which scales like the Newtonian interaction. Most of the models are not Lorentz invariant

This page was last updated on 5 January 2016
Texas Cosmology Center   ♦   Physics Department   ♦   University of Texas at Austin