[The University of Texas at Austin: What starts here changes the world]
Theory Group
Theory Group Seminar, 14 January 2014

Dr. Daniel Stolarski, CERN

Split SUSY Radiates Flavor


The discovery of a Higgs with mass around 125 GeV is in tension with natural supersymmetry (SUSY). On the other hand, if the superpartners are somewhat above the weak scale at 100 to 1000 TeV, the Higgs mass can be explained and many of the benefits of SUSY, including dark matter and unification, can be retained. This split SUSY spectrum also allows for large flavor mixing among the squarks and sleptons, which can be used to explain the standard model (SM) flavor structure. I will describe a radiative flavor model where only the third generation fermions receive masses at tree level, while the 2nd generation masses are 1-loop effects and the 1st generation are 2-loop, thus explaining the masses and mixings of the SM fermions.

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