[The University of Texas at Austin: What starts here changes the world]
Theory Group
Theory Group Final Defense, 06 May 2014

Mr. Muhammad Sohaib Alam, University of Texas at Austin

Instanton Crystals


We investigate lattices of SU(2) instantons in the Sakai-Sugimoto model of chiral symmetry breaking. These instanton lattices can change dimensionality, and in particular we investigate the 1D to 2D transition as a simpler case of the more complicated 3D to 4D transition which is conjectured to be holographically dual to the baryonic to quarkyonic phase transition of nuclear matter. Besides this interpretation, one could also view this as a description of a hypothetical condensed matter system. We have a lattice of instantons whose interactions are dominated by two-body forces, and which depend not only on the mutual distance between instantons in physical space but also on their relative orientations in the internal SU(2) space. We obtain a wide variety of instanton crystals whose description could serve to be useful beyond holography.

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