[The University of Texas at Austin: What starts here changes the world]
Theory Group
Theory Group Seminar, 09 April 2013

Dr. Matthew Philip McCullough, MIT

Modified Higgs Sectors and NLO Associated Production


Many beyond the Standard Model (BSM) scenarios involve Higgs couplings to additional electroweak fields. It is well established that these new fields may modify Higgs gamma-gamma and gamma-Z decays at one-loop. However, one unexplored aspect of such scenarios is that by electroweak symmetry one should also expect modifications to the Higgs Z-Z coupling at one-loop and, more generally, modifications to Higgs production and decay channels beyond tree-level. In this talk I will discuss the full BSM modified electroweak corrections to associated Higgs production at both the LHC and a future lepton collider in two simple SM extensions, and discuss prospects for their determination at the LHC and future lepton colliders.

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