Theory Group Seminar, 10 April 2012
Dr. Kuver Sinha, Texas A&M University
BEST: Bi-Event Subtraction Technique and Mass Reconstruction at the LHC
In this talk, I will describe the Bi-Event Subtraction Technique (BEST), a method we have developed which models and subtracts large portions of combinatoric background during reconstruction of particle decay chains at hadron colliders. BEST is very useful in the determination of superpartner masses through endpoint measurements of kinematic observables arising from cascade decays. We apply endpoint techniques in two scenarios: (1) a futuristic (and optimistic?) scenario where, after the discovery of supersymmetry, we try to pin down the broad contours of a SUSY breaking mediation scheme by reconstructing masses and studying splitting patterns, and (2) an immediate scenario where first two generation squarks and gluino are assumed to be heavy, and we investigate stop production at the LHC.