[The University of Texas at Austin: What starts here changes the world]
Theory Group
Theory Group Seminar, 28 February 2011

Dr. Michael Trott, Perimeter Institute



New Physics discoverable at the LHC is already strongly constrained from precision flavour physics studies if it couples to quarks. This is commonly referred to as the New Physics flavour problem. The compatibility of New Physics with these constraints can be formulated as an approximate global symmetry - Minimal Flavour Violation - that can be used as a tool to constrain and define effective field content in an MFV sector. This symmetry, and effective MFV fields, actually form the basis of a New Physics Flavour opportunity which allows novel explanations of recent experimental anomalies that have appeared at the TeVatron in B_{s,d} mixing and the top quark forward backward asymmetry. We will discuss this new framework and the proposed explanations of these experimental anomalies in some detail.

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