[The University of Texas at Austin: What starts here changes the world]
Theory Group
Theory Group Seminar, 15 April 2010

Alexander Westphal, Stanford SIPT

Gravity waves and the LHC: Towards high-scale inflation with low-energy SUSY


It has been argued that rather generic features of string-inspired inflationary theories with low-energy supersymmetry (SUSY) make it difficult to achieve inflation with a Hubble scale H > m_{3/2}, where m_{3/2} is the gravitino mass in the SUSY-breaking vacuum state. We present a class of string-inspired supergravity realizations of chaotic inflation where a simple, dynamical mechanism yields hierarchically small scales of post-inflationary supersymmetry breaking. Within these toy models we can easily achieve small ratios between m_{3/2} and the Hubble scale of inflation. This is possible because the expectation value of the superpotential relaxes from large to small values during the course of inflation. However, our toy models do not provide a reasonable fit to cosmological data if one sets the SUSY-breaking scale to m_{3/2} < TeV. Our work is a small step towards relieving the apparent tension between high-scale inflation and low-scale supersymmetry breaking in string compactifications.

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